Monday, September 26, 2005

Way off!

First off, Wishing good luck to all effected by the hurricanes.

Second off, (And this one seems WAY off...) I saw a video today of Cindy Sheehan (Did I spell that right?) being arrested. She seemed indecently happy to be carried away by the police. This woman seems to have become addicted to the public eye. This makes her capable of almost anything.

Please take note that I am not commenting about her views of the President or her politics. I am saying that she strikes me as someone that has taken a short step off the reality bridge. Her recent photos remind me of the 'Runaway Bride' with that wild look in the eye and flair for the unreasonable.

Third off, In the local news this week; some rather prominant people in state government have been arrested for racketeering. For years I have been telling people from out of state that our state flower is the Orange Barrel. I have been informed this week that it is now the Greased Palm.


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