Saturday, October 01, 2005

Is it THAT time of year again?

I was gently reminded that today is the first day of the Annual Balloon Fiesta. This is a day each year that strikes fear into locals that have to go to Albuquerque.

The event is wonderful. It is beautiful beyond description and exciting as well. It also has the somewhat magic ability to turn a normally sober intelligent adult into a careless child, walking in front of busses and doing other things that are not particularly safe or wise.

Something about this event makes people drive like their tailpipes are on fire and they are trying to get away. Speeding, weaving, and cutting off other cars all increase dramatically this week. Everyone suddenly becomes in a terrible hurry to get to where they are going so they can have a drink.

There are signs everywhere warning people of unsafe behavior, but that never seems to stop them. I have seen people go suddenly from seventy miles an hour to nothing to watch the balloons. I have seen people driving seventy miles an hour peering and pointing, paying little attention to the road. I have seen the peering people meet the stopping people in a very uncomfortable fashion.

I have seen people park in intersections to get out and watch the balloons, wandering away and leaving their cars unattended. I have seen people tie their pets to the sign that tells them that they can not take their pets into the park and leave them unattended.

Over the years I have seen all manner of simply stupid behavior at this event. Please people, let's bring our brains with us to have a good time. Your brain might like it as well.

The weekend crowds can be HUGE. Be prepared. Arrange a meeting place for when you get separated from your friends/family. It will happen.

Please think before you do. The Balloon Fiesta can be a great time, but only if you think about your actions. Read the signs, follow them, they are usually good advice. Try to be courteous. If others are not, please ignore them. Killing offenders then and there is not a good idea.

Enjoy the sights and sounds. Eat the good food and listen to the incessant babble from others in the crowd. And take comfort in the fact that I will not be anywhere near that place. I would probably hurt someone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really well written, but honestly, compared to your other postings this one sounds like a walking advertisement.

7:33 PM  
Blogger p-dub said...

wow -- the above posting was a bit harsh. Obviously this person does not live in Albuquerque.

You did good, troll. You did good.

3:45 PM  

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