Politics and play
Why is it that the less gifted in our society make the most noise? They whine and cry and make everyone that does not give in to their demands appear to be heartless and cruel. They use the squeaky wheel approach to every problem and then drown any solution in opinions, points of view, and political correctness. Then, when the solution that they accept does not work to their satisfaction, they blame everyone else and stand tall proclaiming their hatred for the inequitable situation and again confuse the issue with political grandstanding.
There has to be a way to cut through all the crap, a way to actually look to solving problems before they can turn into platforms for an agenda. I remember once someone telling me, “If it’s not written down, it’s just a state of mind.”
We need an approach like that in political situations. Some way of locking in the original concept of the problem to be addressed so that it cannot be changed later at someone’s convenience to better suit a political agenda.
When I say political, I don’t just mean in politics, I mean ALL political situations, whether dealing with the postman or President. Frankly, bosses are more likely to use this technique than the President because it is far less likely that the sharp light of exposure will shine on the boss. The boss is not being watched quite so closely.
It’s been my experience that the lower on the ‘power’ scale a person is, the more likely s-he is to exert every ounce of perceived power that s-he thinks s-he has. This usually results in confusion and micromanagement. It also results in the person protecting his/her position with the passion of a mother bear protecting her cubs, reacting with angry growls before lashing out and biting someone’s head off at the slightest imagined provocation.
Until a system is accepted that will protect us from changing the subject and political grandstanding, I ask that we all band together and try our very best to not use these very ploys that make politics so confusing. To put it simply, please try to be honest with yourself and keep perspective. This has the added bonus of letting you be honest with other people.
And if honesty doesn’t work, just accuse them of being sexual predators or drug users. Then while everyone is getting excited about another scandal, you can cut and run.
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