Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Welcome to The Club

The StepTroll managed to earn the wrath of Mom and get his car privileges taken away. It is a long story that I am not going to go into here.

The ironic part is that he is still driving the car.

Teens today seem to have a weird view of what the word ‘punishment’ means. They seem to think that punishment should not be uncomfortable or inconvenient. I remember the days when punishment meant bruises were possible and sitting down was uncomfortable for a while.

Times change and so do the laws defining child abuse. Sigh.

(I still think that the “Board of Education” made me a better liar. I remember getting my ass paddled more than once IN SCHOOL! Now the ACLU would have fits and sue everyone who ever even saw a paddle. Resigh.)

And to top the whole thing off, the kid actually LOANED his car to a friend of his the other night. I guess he figured that if he was not driving it, it might magically melt into a puddle of unmoving goo, ruining his never-ending plans to chase girls, and reducing his social standing to that of the kid that picks his nose in study hall and eats it in Language Arts. (Nose gold mining. It’s not just for preschool anymore.)

Just the other night I tried to explain that getting his car privileges taken away meant he did not get to drive the car at all, not just when he did not ‘need’ it, but all the time. I even suggested that appropriate punishment would be that every day he uses the car means that he looses it for a whole week. Then I came home from work and the car was gone. He does not get it or just does not care.

I am becoming convinced that a driver’s license magically drains a teen’s brain out through his/her right foot, transferring part of his/her soul into the car, and making communication with a sober adult virtually impossible.

I am not one to give up easily.

I still have ‘The Club’. I want to see him or his friends drive R2B2 with that huge wand locked on the steering wheel.

There is only one key that fits ‘The Club’, and it is in my possession. Now he will have to go through ME to drain his brains through the gas pedal.


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