Time wasters
What the hell is up with the senate and congress spending vast amounts of time making and voting on resolutions that don’t mean a damn thing?
The weeks spent on a non binding resolution against GWB and the war seems like sheer nonsense to me. Get on with business, dammit! Quit grandstanding and DO something.
As I see it, a non binding resolution is a statement. If the democrat party wants to make a statement, then just use your publicity force to show off a cleverly worded open letter and get on with doing BUSINESS!
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If we as a nation are going to waste a lot of time on shit like this, then I think we should instate retroactive birth control. I see a real need for retroactive birth control. We have assholes that are out there every day breeding a whole batch of new assholes that use up valuable resources and contribute nothing at all.
We need to deal with THAT instead of worrying over offending someone long dead.
Here is why Congress is doing what they are doing:
1) To play to their cook base.
2) Demoralize the troops.
3) Try and justify taking away the Presidents war fighting authority (specified in the Constitution).
4) Cite this as a basis to defund the war.
5) (Most disgraceful of all) Sue for surrender.
Unfortunately I agree with you. I think that the concept of democracy has been pushed beyond all reason. We CAN be our own worst enemy.
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