Sunday, February 04, 2007

Yes, I am still alive and interested.

I am struggling with the Google thing each and every day.

I still have not figured out why in hell this thing will not accept my password. I am sure that it is some little thing that I have overlooked and a 12 year old kid would see it immediately and think I was stupid.

Mayhap I should just crawl in some digital hell hole and wallow in my own computer fucktarddidness.

Or not.

Life continues pretty much the same here in the Trollhouse. No teens have been murdered in the making of this blog. We have been snowed in on and off since the beginning of the year. When it is not snowing it is blowing the snow, blocking our road and making travel impossible.

And here we are, for the first time in ten years, without a 4-wheel drive vehicle.

But that which we can't cure, we must endure. This has been an unusual year and we will be just fine in the long run. They are predicting temps in the 50s this week, making for a vast sea of new mud and even more complaints from the residents of this neighborhood.

I do so love living in the country.


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