Sunday, January 07, 2007

Teen behavior

I think that the teenage condition should be treated like a disease.

At this age they are difficult to deal with and even more difficult to be around.

I am sure that if I had a supply of sweet young females around they would be attentive and polite. I don’t and they aren’t.

At this age they are far more interested in doing things and chasing things. Like wild animals in a pack they would flock to the malls to exhibit herd behavior and practice mating rituals while extorting parental units for more money on order to all dress alike. They call it ‘fashion’, I call it bovine behavior and depressing as hell.

Getting a coherent sentence from one of them is harder than pulling teeth from a crocodile while swimming in oatmeal. Getting the other to stay in one place for long enough for his car to cool off is almost that hard. (I finally managed by giving him 2 flat tires and stealing his coil wire. That caused him to stay home ALL WEEKEND!)


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