Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Just a little head cold

This has been a week of general sickness in the Trollhouse.

It all started with the MrsTroll getting one of this year’s series of virulent head colds that are tearing the economy into little shreds by keeping people at home due to copious amounts of snot, itchy eyes, coughing, and sneezing. She has had it bad with the voice of a chain smoker and the sleeping habits of a hibernating bear.

Then one of the cats began a festival of eating, puking, then eating again, making walking in the Trollhouse a dangerous business in bare feet. I have learned that half digested chunks of kitty kibble make for treacherous footing.

After that began, one or both of the dogs started leaving dark brown dollops of doggie diarrhea on the off-white carpet in the living room. These smell like the doorway to hell and are almost impossible to get up. They cause stubborn stains and even after repeated dousing with carpet stain remover leave a lingering aroma of sulfur and stockyard.

Then I got the mysterious head cold and whined and complained until the wife left for the day in order to not listen to me. (One damn smart woman.) She returned with vast amounts of medication for me. (And far more patience than I deserve.)

So far the StepTrolls have not gotten sick, but they don’t so much live here as drop by to visit and mooch. (And one of them drank more than half of my medication.)

Life is returning to normal now. The Mrs. is better, I am better, and the dogs are reduced to just incredible farts that can actually wake me up from a sound sleep. The cat is still celebrating her festival, but she is small and warns us now when she is about to share her last meal and gives us time to put a paper towel under her. I suggested a reverse diaper thing, but was overruled.

At this rate, we will all be relatively healthy for the beginning of another year of my bitching about everything.


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