I really do love my job......
Last Friday, one of the electricians told me that he needed me to move some of my material so he could do his work. I got loud.
When I am forced to deal with retarded people, I get loud. It is like when Americans vacation in other countries and think that talking loudly and slowly to people that do not speak English will magically bridge the language barrier. Somehow I believe that speaking loudly will magically bridge the retarded barrier and the light will come on and bring common sense to the unenlightened.
Fat chance on that one, but I am still trying.
The material that he wants moved is two full semi loads of custom-made finished woodwork. We are not talking a few boxes of stuff or a couple of piles of things, we are talking hundreds of individual pieces of specially made fragile panels. We are talking roughly 10000 square feet of stained and finished pine ceiling panels. Each one of these is hand made to rather precise specifications and somewhat fragile.
The best part is that I have been telling his boss for months that we have to take over this space and that he needs to be certain that everything is done over this space before we put our woodwork there. His boss obviously did not listen or care.
Now in their opinion it is my responsibility to move things that are in their way. I do not share this opinion.
I just cannot understand how people who do this kind of thing for a living can be so oblivious to what is actually going on. These same electricians were told that once our material is installed on the ceiling that they will have no access to anything above.
We caught two of them hanging from framing twenty two feet in the air, above our installed product, trying to run wire that we were told was done over a month ago. This framing was never designed to hold a man’s weight. It is intended solely to support the woodwork. Even the lights hang on wires that go all the way to the roof. Yet these gifted individuals think that it is OK to climb up there to trust their lives to two screws and a piece of wire.
Good luck with that. Gravity works, it’s the law.
This whole job has been like that, people telling other people things that are just not true, then coming back and trying to reinvent the wheel in order to fix the thing that was supposedly done in the first place.
I DO love my job…….(see above)( wash, rinse, repeat)
Yeah, and it is cyclical. Give it 6 months or a year and you'll have these guys all trained and functioning at a somewhat acceptable level, then they move on and you get a new bunch of incompetence and idiocy to deal with. It is part of the leadership role we find ourselves in.
Sounds like a sharp looking ceiling, even if the lights don't work.
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