Monday, January 21, 2008


I admit it, I am just a little black hole of creativity right now.

The Grant Street closing finally really took effect, by putting one of those great big dumpsters across the street. Now I only occasionally see the lone driver making his way down the sidewalk in a fit of stupidity.

My company takes off the MLK holiday, which makes it kinda sucky for me because we now need to work four, ten-hour days to make the time up. This makes me feel even less creative. Boo-ya.

The cold weather is taking its toll on me. I picked this trade years ago just to work indoors and in the past few years have endured from below zero to well over 100 degrees. Keep things like this in mind, kiddies, when planning your future. I just saw the weather report for the week and it is going to do all those bad winter things; Wind, snow, and cold cold cold. Boo-ya again.

Fexophenidine is having some kind of doggie dilemma and is demanding attention all the time. Having a ninety pound lap dog is painful and hard on the lap parts. She has taught me to tuck my man bits away when she wanders into the room. Who says that you can’t teach an old man new tricks?

The Mopdog occasionally tries to make a bid to become Alphadog, but is up against two fellow dogs that are each about 50 time’s heaver than she is. It is amusing to watch Fexo toss the Mopdog across the room with a simple flick of the head. Never underestimate canine stupidity.

On that note I think it is time to pack for yet another week in Northern New Mexico.


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