Saturday, October 29, 2005

Driving me nuts.

I live in what I like to call semi rural New Mexico. I call it semi rural because I live in the country but have easy access to the largest city. Albuquerque is less than a thirty minute drive from my door via I-40.
I spend a lot of time on I-40, commuting to and from work five days a week, and shopping and entertainment on weekends. I see a lot of strange things on the highway. I have seen people pull over to drink a beer before getting back on the road, thinking perhaps beer consumed outside the car does not count.
The most common thing that I see is what I call suicidal furniture. Not a day goes by that I do not see a new chair, sofa, futon, refrigerator, or other household item lying smashed beside the road. Cushions litter the highway on some days.
How do these items get there? Are they thrown there by insensitive people that do not care? Are they too damn lazy to take their worn out and decayed furniture to the dump? I don't think so. I think that when people are moving to a new home, apartment, or ramshackle cabin in the woods, the furniture leaps from the vehicle in a blatant act of self defense.
I have seen people put things in the back of their pickup truck with the comment, "Where is it gonna go?". It is going to leap from the back of the truck to its death if you are not careful! I have come to believe that all furniture wishes for it's freedom and if proper care is not taken, it will in fact make a bid for escape.
Look at things from the furniture's point of view. Would you want your fat ass flopping down on your face time and time again? Would you want someone opening your front up just to stare at your insides and mention that there is nothing to eat? I know that with a life like that I would ponder escape.
Unfortunately the thought of a refrigerator leaping to it's doom from the back of a speeding pickup truck frightens me. Those things are heavy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try a couch on the back of a convertable with the top down???

7:53 PM  

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