I am crazy so you don't have to be.
I can hear you out there, wondering why in hell I would pick a name like “Trolls Hole”. I can hear your muttered comments and snide remarks to your friends. I can hear every single one of you, with your internal dialog and alternate personalities that comfort you when you feel inadequate.
I call myself Troll because I am not a nice person. I think nice is for people that are afraid to think and would rather pickle their brains in alcohol, TV, and organized religion than actually have a thought that did not come out of some one else’s mouth or (worse yet) Readers Digest.
Perhaps we should face the facts, thinking is hard work. Deal with it.
I am a Misfit Troll because I do not fit in with polite society OR the wonderful world of miscreants. I belong somewhere in the middle space, laughing at almost everyone in order to keep from becoming even more insane than I already am.
Sarcasm comes naturally to me, and I often have to distract myself to keep from pissing off almost everyone. My internal dialog usually goes something like this;
“Don’t say it. Just bite your tongue. Look away and think about the ugly wallpaper. Oh Christ that wallpaper is ugly! I wonder what kind of addled mind came up with that shit. It looks like a cat threw up then took a nap in it. Is he done yet? (glancing at the person I am trying to avoid pissing off) No? He is sure stuck on stupid. If he says ‘um’ one more time I may have to throttle him with his own intestines. Did he just ask what caused the accident? Gravity you fool! He fell because gravity exerted its influence on him when he stepped off the floor! These are the people that are in charge here? They can’t even read words over five letters and have instructions on how to wipe their arses printed on the toilet paper.”
Having distracted myself for about fifteen seconds, I can usually maintain composure until later, when it usually comes pouring out like water from a bucket.
Now that I have explained myself, and my chosen blog name, be afraid, be very afraid. I just might show you something about yourself or those that surround you. The human condition is a frail one at best.
If I succeed, I have done a good thing. If I don’t, I have expressed myself and
practiced my typing skills.
What the hell, it’s a good place to rant.
Keep ranting!
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