The end of the world
May 5 2000
"On May 5 of the year 2000, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be aligned with the earth for the first time in 6,000 years. On that day the ice buildup at the South Pole will upset the earth's axis, sending trillions of tons of ice in the water sweeping over the surface of our planet."
-- 5/5/2000: Ice -- the Ultimate Disaster by Richard W Noone
I read this on the internet and began wondering something; why in hell didn’t someone tell ME? Am I the only one that missed the end of the world?
It seems that something like that would be a pretty important event, something to see and tell your kids about. “I remember when the end of the world happened. It was really cool.”
At this rate I will miss the next end of the world when global warming covers almost everything in water.
I missed the landing of the aliens, the zapping off into space for the Hale-Bopp comet, and being abducted for tests performed on my asshole.
I seem to be missing al the fun. Perhaps I will make some of my own.
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