More on Imus...
Since everyone else seems to have an opinion on the comments that he made on the air, I think I should spout some opinions as well. (Also I am getting bored at writing about things that are going on at home and work.)
All this time I though that Imus’s job was to say semi offensive things on the radio and get people all fired up so they would listen to his show and generate ratings to obtain advertising revenue. That’s how radio works. It certainly worked for Howard and Rush, didn’t it?
Is it really what Imus said that is creating all this uproar, or is it self interest groups using this as a soapbox for them to stand on to promote a particular point of view? I vote for the latter. I hear far more offensive things every day on the comedy channel that people laugh at and then share with their friends at the first opportunity.
I think that part of the problem is that we are to self absorbed to laugh. Reverend Al and the basketball team are too wrapped up in things that happened in history to laugh at a colorful comment that was probably just a case of Imus’s mouth getting just a little bit ahead of his brain. Can the Rev say that he has never said something offensive? I doubt it. He and his buddy Reverend Jessie have certainly said many things that I take offence at.
Or could this be a case of a special interest group trying to start a campaign to create divisions between the American people? Could it be that certain political factions NEED things to stay stirred up because the people are tired of listening to the same ol’ shit for the past 30 years and feel that the basic problem is solved for the most part? Could it be that without keeping the pot stirred up these special political factions might just slip into recent memory and put certain leaders out of a job?
Don’t get me wrong here. I am not a fan of Don Imus. I never liked his show and think he is a pompous ass. It’s just that in this case I feel that the offended parties are acting even more pompous and asslike that he ever did. Now a man that at least pretended to do good things for kids and others is out of a job to satisfy the emotional needs a political entity.
I think we should fire the Two Reverends and then take stock of the situation. Those two seem to me to be interested in stirring shit up all the time. They stick their noses in any battle that can get them media attention and never solve anything. They play on the emotions of people and keep tensions high to promote themselves and their causes.
Don’t we have enough people stirring up shit already? Why to we listen to these two ‘cause of the week’ personalities? The next time that you hear either of these personalities ask yourself, “Why are they taking a stand on THIS issue? What is their interest?”
I am betting that you will not like the answers that you get.
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