I blame it all on the monkeys
One night, not that long ago, the Mrs. was watching a show on PBS. She never watches PBS but there was nothing else on and we don’t have cable in the bedroom.
This occurred during a time in her life when she was half heartedly looking for another job. She had not only interviewed for another job, but been accepted and offered quite a bit more money.
But, as we all know, change makes everyone a bit uneasy, and she could not sleep that night because she was uneasy over the potential changes in her life. She was trying to distract herself with mindless entertainment and incidentally keeping me up as well.
The show that happened to be on was a documentary about the chimps that were once used as experimental animals in the space program and what happened to them after they were replaced by humans.
It was a very sad show. Some of the things that were done to these animals were just inexcusable. I don’t think that the scientists involved were evil, just single minded and determined to prove that they were smart enough to be called rocket scientists.
The show told of rehabilitation and relocation programs for the chimps and how difficult it can be to deal with insane and insecure animals that are stronger than you are and often quite angry.
It was all very touching. The Mrs. cried. She then decided that she would not take the new job because she wanted to remain where she would be helping animals.
So in the Trollhouse, when one does not act on an opportunity, we blame it all on the chimps.
(Just to end this story on a happy note, she not only stayed with the job helping animals, but is now making at least as much as she would have at the job she turned down.)
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