Friday, May 09, 2008


I had come to believe that there comes a time in every man’s life where he should take a stand.

I did, and the fruit vendor was very unhappy with me and called the police.

The police did not think that my taking a stand was a good idea and proved that it was not a good idea by throwing my ass in jail.

Life is full of learning experiences, I guess.

So. Guess why I have not been posting. I will give you three choices.

1- I was in jail for stupidly stealing a fruit stand.

2- I was kidnapped by the space aliens that are holding Elvis’s Brain hostage.

3-God told me to become addicted to gay internet porn, and my sexual organs are raw from constantly touching myself.

Which one did you pick?

You are wrong.

I have not had my computer and am stubborn about not using my work computer for releasing my own personal venom. Not that it would really matter. I was staying in “The Place that Has No Internet” and certainly do not have time at work to blather about anything. My idea of a break at work is to get to sit down for a few minutes before rushing off to further demonstrate my baby-sitting abilities.

So there you have it. I would apologize, but with an estimated readership of three, I don’t think it is really necessary.

But it is good to have an outlet again….



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