Sunday, October 28, 2007

ZappO! Revisited

I have had quite a reaction to the ZappO! idea.

(That means that someone actually saw fit to comment. That is a big deal on this blog. I seldom get comments.)

Thank you for that positive response. If I am ever in a position to invent such a thing I certainly will. In the meantime it will just have to be a good dream to have when the ignorant demonstrate their inalienable right to be annoying and oblivious.

I did miss one thing in the naming of the ZappO! It dawned on me later that it would be better expressed as Zapp OH!

With a name like that I could become the next Ron Popeil, shilling badly made products on that morphine of the masses, television.

I could be as rich as Gates and as popular as Brattany.

Instead I will settle for being a curmudgeonly ol’ bastard with a writing habit.


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