Sunday, May 25, 2008

Written a couple of weeks ago.

What do you do when you have two step kids that are graduating from High School in the same week and are planning on moving out ‘real soon now’?

Celebrate !!

I am typing this in a rather well worn hotel room in Roswell NM. (Home to aliens and Texas wannabe’s that are more than willing to give you bad service while trying to pry the dollars from your hands.)

One of the Step Trolls is graduating high school here today. I am somewhat proud of the ungrateful bastard that has given me so much to bitch about for the last four years. A deep well of complaints is drying up. Now I will have to find other things to complain about.

This will be one of the best days of his life. On the down side, now he has to deal with the ‘R’ word.

That word being, of course, ‘R’esponsibility.

(I find it interesting that when I brought up the ‘R’ word at a family dinner last night that the brother thought I was referring to ‘r’ent.)

I have one thing to say to all high school graduates everywhere;

“Welcome to the future! We’re glad you made it.”

I can remember how stupid I was at that age. Why someone did not take me out and shoot me for being insufferable is beyond me. If I knew then what I know now, I would have held my head in a bucket until I soaked up some sense.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

Perhaps in my next life when I come back as a rich, good looking, tall, smart, and well hung guy I will not be as insufferable as I was this time.

Not likely.


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