Sunday, January 08, 2006

The hill country.

I am in an RV park just outside of San Antonio, Texas. This place makes up for all the crappy parks that I saw or stayed in while in West Texas.

The pool is open, the wireless works, and the weather is great. I have to pay for Internet access, but at $2.50 a day, it seems like a bargain. (It seems like a bargain when you are addicted and haven’t had a fix in over twenty-four hours.) The access is wireless and I am able to surf in the Dog House. I LOVE modern technology.

I have learned on this trip that driving eight hours dragging your house behind you is exhausting. The first thirty minutes you are thinking about all the things that you could have forgotten. The second thirty minutes are convincing yourself that anything you forgot has already been done and it is not worth stopping for. After that you kinda settle in and enjoy the scenery.

When I finally stop after driving too long, I feel stupid and disoriented. Shorter days are better.

Today should be interesting. The weathermen are predicting a headwind for me. Driving an RV in a headwind is kinda like driving a billboard.

On the up side, I have plenty of time to get to my destination and my only real goal is to get through San Antonio with no problems. I am not fond of driving through cities when they are busy. I tend to travel a bit slower than the posted speed limit, and that pisses off people on their way to work.

Let’s see what my next stop is.


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