Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I know people that seem to thrive on drama. They always have a crisis going on in their lives and usually have a crisis waiting in the wings just in case the present crisis fails to amuse. They seem to believe that without a crisis going on they have nothing to live for, no reason for being.

Some people I have known are almost compulsive about crisis. One of the best I have heard lately is an acquaintance that set it up so that when the present crisis fell through, it automatically generated a bigger and far more exciting crisis. Now that’s a slick bit of thinking ahead, ain’t it? (You know that you are a thinker when you even organize your crisis.)

Orienting your present crisis around family or sexual relations guarantees interest from others, making all that drama worthwhile. We all love to gossip about family and friends that we don’t like. (Or ones that we DO like but don’t like just for entertainment purposes.)

Drama is all about attention. The bigger the drama, the more attention you get. It is a direct relationship.

I can do without the drama. I am getting old, and the idea of getting all excited about other people acting stupid does not have the appeal it once did. Let them screw up their lives in peace. They will do it with or without my help. It’s their life to screw up, after all, not mine. I have done a fine job of screwing up my life; I don’t feel a need for more.

I have very limited involvement with families outside my immediate one, and we do not do the drama thing. There is one stepTroll that wants to be a drama queen, but we just kinda ignore it and it passes like a single zit on a teenagers nose.

I am sure that certain people think I am nuts, but I really don’t think I like the drama thing anymore. I live a rather boring life nowdaze, working, going home, sleeping, repeating, and riding my bike alone in the weekends.

But I do keep thinking. I can’t seem to stop that. I think that I think while I am thinking about thinking. When I think, I want to write it. When I write, you usually get to see it in a shortened form, brought forth from my fingers after mulling about in the vacuous spaces between my ears and spewed onto the screen in the wee hours in the morning.

It don’t have to be earth shattering, enlightening, or even funny. It does, however, have to get out somehow or it will stay inside and grow and grow until it grows beyond reason and could possible explode. We don’t want that.

You don’t want troll brains all over your computer, do you? (I hear they can really gum up your hard drive. Kinda like pizza. Advice; don’t ever suggest that someone e-mail you a slice of pizza. Take it from someone who knows.)

Where was I going with this? Oh Yeah….

I realize that there is a human need for drama, but do people have to build their entire lives around it? I don’t think so. Let us all attempt to keep things in perspective and get over the emotional part of living with other people and get on with the actual living.

The actual part is really kinda fun.

Being alive gives me something to bitch about, and bitching about it lets me know that I am alive.


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