Friday, April 21, 2006


Recently, as an experiment, I have been trying to show a different face to the world.

I have been trying to be…………’nice’.

I have been trying the ‘nice’ thing for a while now, and it just isn’t working out for me. When someone says something weird I have been shaking my head and just walking away, keeping my frustration inside and not letting people know that what they just said seems totally out of place or just plain stupid.

The other day I was talking with an African-American man about where he lives. It was an innocent enough conversation until he sarcastically asked, “Why do you want to know? Do you want to come over?”

A small thing inside me made a distinct snapping noise and I responded, “No, I have an extra cross lying around and I am looking for a good place to burn it.”

Now THAT felt good!

He did not take offense, and I did not mean it as a racial comment. I was expressing in my Troll-like way that I thought is he were going to be sarcastic, he should do it better.

He seemed to understand, and everyone else listening thought it was funny. (Or he is just too wrapped up in his own issues to take offense.)

Lately, I have noticed some things; People seem to like it when I am mean, and, I feel better when I feel free to express what I am really thinking, instead of keeping myself in check. Mrs. Troll tells me that this blog is boring when I am trying to be nice, and I have to agree.

Maybe it is my lot in life to try to balance all that ‘sweetness and light’ bullshit that Americans have accepted as the new socially acceptable way to behave. I know that ‘kinder and gentler’ fits me like snakes wearing bunny slippers.

I am not making an excuse to be meaner; I am just going to do what comes naturally to me and stop trying to stifle my inner Troll.

I think I am feeling better already.


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