Sunday, November 04, 2007


I have not been writing as much as I should.

I am in a somewhat transitional period in my life and have been trying to make some changes.

I have been moved into (lower) middle management in the company that gives me my daily bread, and I have been given a lot of responsibility. If I were to dwell on it I might be a bit overwhelmed by the reality of being responsible for well over a million dollars worth of work.

I am not. I am just going to do my job and do the best I can. I will leave the worrying for someone else who actually enjoys worrying about things that they can’t really change anyway.

I do have Internet access from work now and may occasionally post from the land of fruit and nuts. (But only after working hours and briefly if I do have an exceptional tale to share.)

Perhaps explanations are in order;

My jobsite is in Santa Fe New Mexico. I consider this the land of fruit and nuts because it is a very strange place with tourists walking around staring at your ass while you are poking holes in things in order to put things in the holes you poked. Yes. It is that kinda place. Tourists make me nervous.

In other words, “Santa Fe is like a bowl of granola. What ain’t nuts is fruits and flakes.”

I will still be staying in the Doghouse in Pojoaque because it is fifteen miles from my new jobsite and still a hell of a lot better than driving to Sanctuary every day.*

I have had a roomate for the last three weeks and am hoping to never repeat that experience again. Perhaps I will post on that. Yes, I think I will.


*For anyone that does not read my dribble frequently, you might not know that the Doghouse is my 5th wheel trailer and Sanctuary is my home in Edgewood. Thank you for interrupting. Now you know. Next time you have a question, please hold up your hand and ask instead of yelling at me.


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