Sunday, August 20, 2006

Movie Review "Barnyard"

I went to see the movie “Barnyard”, yesterday. I was anticipating a fun flick filled with wonderful human characterizations and insights into the human/bovine experience.

What I got was socially acceptable drivel and gender confusion.

The jokes could have been MUCH funnier, but the powers that be were afraid to even come close to approaching that line of ‘what is in good taste’. Jay Ward (Rocky and Bullwinkle) made adult humor in a kid’s show fun and acceptable. The writers of this movie could not hold a candle to him.

The gender confusion involves the lead ‘man’ having teats. I don’t get it. Why in hell would the makers of this movie put teats on this character? Have they never been in a barnyard? Don’t they know that male cows do not give milk? Are they promoting homosexual bovine behaviors?  Is this movie intended to explore questions of gender orientation and I am too stupid to catch on? Am I asking too many questions and should I just sit back and try to enjoy the movie?

The gender issue distracted me for the entire film. I found myself staring at his teats and his big blue eyes, and this bothers me on a level that I would prefer to not get in touch with. Ever. (Shudder)

The animation was good, even great in spots. The backgrounds were distracting in their beauty. Some scenes reminded me of the Warner Bros. cartoons of the 40’s and 50’s and at other times I was stunned by the sheer beauty of the rolling hills. Pay special attention to the fire at the Coyote’s camp near the end of the movie, it is Excellent!

If you have children that you take to see movies, by all means take them to see this one. Do not expect to have a good time yourself unless you are a socialist or loaded on some chemical amusement aid.

I am sure that there are people out there that will strongly disagree, but I want more from public entertainment than ‘lets make nice with those that would eat us’ and ‘we are all the same under the skin’. I get upset with entertainment that encourages men to behave like spineless, irresponsible wimps, backing out a the last moment, showing mercy to an enemy that will just regroup and try again later.

That’s my opinion and I am sticking to it.


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