Monday, August 28, 2006


I am convinced that somewhere out there, hidden behind shiny glass doors and corporate facades, hides the Super Secret Society of Happy People.

The SSSHP is an organization that is made up of all those amazingly perky and optimistic people that you just want to bitchslap for being so annoyingly cheerful before coffee and are always giving you the ‘my glass is half full’ bullshit.

The SSSHP holds Super Secret meetings deep in well lit, comfortable, clean, and brightly colored offices, plotting new and unique ways to make everyone feel joy in just being alive, all the while sipping tasty and invigorating drinks and nibbling wonderful finger foods. (And avoiding run on sentences.)

They meet to discuss ways to remove pain and suffering from this world and how no make it so there could never be another war. They come up with ways to feed everyone so no one would ever go hungry and then they solve all problems that color, race, or religion have ever caused.

They are all fukkin’ crazy.

When I look at the world I see a place that has ugly diseases and stupid people in it. I do not believe that diseases are ever going to go away. Every time we kill one disease, another grows up to fill that niche. Say “Hi!” to Mother Nature.

We breed stupid people in this country like rabbits and then pay them to continue being stupid while they make more people that stand a very good chance of also being stupid, maybe even stupider.

The only way you are going to eliminate war is to eliminate people. Everyone always comes up with some reason to hate some other person. It has been like this since Gronk hit Ugh with a rock and will continue until mankind is just a memory.

I do not believe that man will ever eliminate hunger. People who produce food feel it has value, and people that want food sometimes have nothing to give for it. If they have nothing except hungry mouths, I think it’s a good bet that they are going to get no food.

Human nature is what it is. We are not going to change that fact no matter how much we tell ourselves that we can just click our heels together three times and chant, “We can make all the bad things go away”. This planet is always going to be a bit of a shit stain on the bright white underwear of the universe. Get used to it.

In the meantime, the SSSHP will continue exercising their ‘right’ to make fools of themselves, wishing things away and voting to bell the cat.

I hope they are having a good time. If I ever happen to come upon one of their meetings I will probably laugh my ass off until I get so pissed off at rampant idealism that I just say or do something to ruin their whole day.

I am just that kinda guy.


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