Sunday, November 04, 2007


I have given in to my other, seldom seen, nicer side and taken a roommate.

He is a fella that I have known for about a year and he has always been honest and cheerful and all that other shit that makes people seem nice.

He was offered a job with us in Northern New Mexico and could not afford to commute or get a place up there so I let him stay with me for a while to get back on his feet.

He has tried to be polite and considerate and is mostly successful in his attempts. He has not been a bad roommate as roommates go.

But I am still a Troll and like my PRIVATE space under the bridge. (The voices in my head are always yelling, “Mine! Mine mine mine mine mine!!” like Daffy Duck with a huge bag of gold.)

After three weeks of sharing my space with a HUMAN I think I am shed of him. At least I really hope so.

Now he intends to move an RV up here and live in it like I do. He wants the RV space behind mine. I think he is intent on becoming the adopted son I never wanted.

It seems that no good deed goes unpunished.


He called this weekend to tell me that he can’t afford to get his trailer up here this week and intends to live in his van until he can. For a short period of time there was a little voice in my head saying that I should just tolerate him for another week and be a nice guy. I slapped that voice into submission and gave it a good firm talking to. Originally I told the guy I would let him stay with me for two weeks and it turned into three. Guilt has just left the building. I have lived up to my end of the deal and then some. Yes Virginia, I am a stubborn ol’ coot.


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