Sunday, August 12, 2007

Feature Article

Back when we were working at the hospital, there was one carpenter that did not even last with us one week. He was slow, argumentative, and unskilled. Like most of the others that came from the union hall, he was quick to tell everyone within earshot just how damn good he was, and extremely slow to demonstrate it. (See entry for September 10, 2006)

Imagine my shock when the union magazine/ newsletter had an article featuring this man.*

To me, this demonstrates the pussification of America. We wonder why we are becoming less and less competitive on an international market while we celebrate these people who do the least while telling us that they are the best.

I remember the day that I was trying to explain to this man what the job he was doing required and how to go about it in the least time wasting way. His comment was, “That’s a lot of work.”

At the time I bit my tongue, holding back what I really wanted to say, but at that moment realized that he was not going to be of any use. You see, in my mind that’s what we are there for, to work, to get things done, to install stuff. When someone feels that it is too much work, then what in the hell is he doing there?

The article told us all about his history with the union and how he is such a dedicated union guy and how good the union is and why we should all want to be part of the union. At the bottom of the page in huge print it even says, “Every carpenter has the right to a decent standard of living! Union wages are the best way to get there.”

What the article does not tell us is how a company that is in existence to make money for the stockholders and employees is supposed to be competitive when the people that do the work can or will not do the work. I earn better than union wages because I have shown the company that I work for that I can do the work and am willing to do what is necessary to get the job done.

Propaganda does not equal profit. Propaganda will not keep you in a job.

*I still receive this because the Union has not gotten the hint that I no longer want to be associated with them. I have not paid any dues for months now and they still send me bills and associated drivel. They did send me a letter recently telling me that they will not give me a referral because I have not paid my dues. I have been employed by the same company for over 7 years now and have no intention of leaving, so this particular threat by the union is meaningless to me. They seem to assume that I am stupid.


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