Sunday, August 26, 2007


I am pretty much at a loss this week for posts. It has been a long and trying week that has left me void of creativity or even interested in much beside my aching body and getting enough rest.

Such are the ways of the Wheel.

I am preparing to move the Doghouse again, as I have found a cheaper place that has security and does not meter electricity. This metering shall be a big deal this winter when I heat my home with a little electric space heater. (Seeing as the whole Doghouse is less than 300 square feet, this is not as stupid as it sounds.)

Living in an RV is different than living in a house. You are much closer to the outdoors (At night the wind is about 2 inches from your head) and the weather plays a more important part in everyday life.

I looked at another place that has remarkably cheap rates, and when I actually saw the place I could see why. It was pretty much someone’s back yard with an additional electrical box and a garden hose run for water. Not my style at all. I may be a cheap bastard, but I DO have my standards.

I was referred to this backyard by someone that I work with, and while I appreciate his good intentions I have learned to trust my instincts when finding a new park to live in. I have been in parks that leave you feeling like you should have a gun in hand to go out of the door, and have had people knocking in my door in the middle of the night to ask where they can score some drugs.

Not good. I have no intention of going through that again, thank you very much.


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