Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sexy Table??

Here is the kind of thing that you don’t see every day.,2933,343031,00.html

I have heard of some strange things in my years, but this is the weird of the weird.

How does one become attracted to furniture? Is there some perversion out there that revolves around intimacy with upholstery? Do some people date their lawn furniture and go on long walks on the beach with a table in tow? Is it love or was he just using the table?

Remind me to keep a closer eye on my patio furniture. I have teenagers.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I think that Santa Fe is growing some germ that is specific to me. It keeps coming back and trying to kill me. (Or at least make me welcome death.)

I feel like that stuff that comes out of the south end of a grass eating goose.

I am medicated and coughing up stuff that resembles that glue that we all hated when we were in school in the brown bottle with the rubber tip.

Now that I have put horrible images in your brain, have a good week.!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A tribute to the Wonder Waddle


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Realistic quotes

“I love my job. It is just the stupid bastards that I work with that I can’t stand.”

For quite a while I was wondering if some of the problems that I am having on this jobsite are just me.

It turns out that they are not.

Someone had a royal hissey fit and now the general contractor is being forced to act against the lack of safety and the general clutter around this site. They hired twenty laborers for two days and managed to get this site to a barely adequate condition. You can now walk down a hall without tripping on construction trash or lunch debris. This is a vast improvement.

And on another note, my bitching about the snow produced the largest single snowfall this year. I awoke Wednesday morning to about 10 inches of the annoying white stuff. You would think that at my age I would know better.

Typing about age…..The Mrs. and I celebrated a wedding anniversary yesterday in just about the most boring manner possible. We went to the library. For dinner we went to a placed that was closed, then the place that was open was surprisingly good.

The highlight of the night was making a trip to the new Sprawlmart that just opened. I actually like those places until they attract all the mouth breathers and waddle walkers that can make shopping so uncomfortable.

Pitiful, eh?

I kinda like being boring.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

On the March

I really do hope that spring has really sprung…..

I am very happy at the warm weather and the general improvement in working conditions. Something happened at the jobsite to change things significantly and I am hoping for the best. It is always amazing what a difference a clean jobsite can make in general productivity as well as attitude.

For me, March is the month of changes and other blowing things. It is also the month that I married the lovely Mrs. Troll and the fifty somethingth time I have celebrated my trip around the sun. Yippie tie one on….

Please join me in a happy dance in welcome of spring. (No, cloths are not optional. Trust me. You do NOT want to see me naked.)

In just a few months I will be bitching about how hot it is. To me, life is a never ending opportunity to complain about something. That is just one of the things that makes life so worth living. Chocolate is another. Coffee trumps chocolate, and both together can actually get me to quit complaining for short periods of time.

Some people think beer is the fluid of life. I choose coffee.

That is my opinion and I am sticking to it.