Monday, December 31, 2007


Staggering around this morning in a semi catatonic state I did something really stupid.

In my own imaginary defense, I want to tell you that I have two coffee makers, one at Sanctuary and one in the Doghouse. The one in Sanctuary is a really nice one and only takes one scoop of coffee to make a pot. The one in the doghouse is a cheap ‘Mr Caffene’ and takes over twice as much ground beans as the other to make the same coffee. Why is this? I don’t care, I just know that it is so.

I put too much coffee in the basket at Sanctuary. I now have a super caffeinated coffee like-substance that makes my hair stand on end when I sip.

I can deal with this several ways;

1-I can throw out the offensive sludge and waste precious grounds.

2-I can water down the fluid of evil and drink it.

3-I can dilute it with flavors to disguise the fact that it is supercharged.

4-I can suck it up and drink it just like it is.

Three of these options seem to have me getting all wound up like a cheap watch. That is the good news.

“I’ll take option number three, Alex, with a side order of chocolate.”

After that I will be off to wash the car and wax the sofa.


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Lookin' forward to next year

I admit it.

I am running out of steam.

The project that I am on is sucking the life out of me like an industrial vacuum set to ‘evacuate’. It is like being in a big sandbox with a bunch of spoiled kids who are all trying to make a sandcastle, but they all want it done their way and each has a different idea as to what it should look like. They are all doing their own thing while the people that are running the job sit where it is warm and worry about billing. Getting anything done is a battle and I am already behind schedule.

The holidays always get me down, and adding to that feeling this year, the father of the Mrs. passed away following a rather lengthy illness. I will miss him in my own way. The Mrs. is trying to stand tall, but it is hard for her. Frankly, I admire her courage.

Medical bills came in for December, and I learned that one 2” by 2” gauze bandage now costs about $17.00! Even after insurance the cost in considerable. The part that really gets to me is that the diagnosis was the flu. I can now see that I should have invested in the medical industry years ago.

The company that delivers my propane did the annual “Let’s get the billing up” deal and delivered well over $500 in LPG without informing us they were going to do so. We discovered that they had made the delivery when the bill arrived in the mail where they demanded the entire amount in ten days. I think that is another business that hindsight tells me is a good idea.

Friends in and out of the hospital, kids who don’t have enough sense to come in out of the snow, and people that want things from you but never return on the investment all add up to a lot of stress in this already stressful season.

I hope next year is better or I might start listening to those voices in my head that are giving bad advice.

(Except the one that is telling me to fix the roof. Getting up on a slippery roof in the winter is just stupid. How dumb do I think I am?)

Oh yeah ….. Merry Farookin’ Christmas, y’all.

OK. Let’s face it. I am kinda depressed.

Now that I have all that whining out of the way, I am working on making next year better.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Here is a picture of the Mopdog.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Last night was the annual “Feast of Inappropriate Behavior”.

I attend two such events each year, one for my company and one for the Mrs.

The only reason I attend events like this is to observe human behavior.

Highlights from last night’s party were the “Ugliest cleavage”, “My date is old enough to be my father”, and the bartender that was hiding “Bartending for Dummies” where he could get to it when he did not know what he was doing. (Anything more complicated than wine or beer.)

The facility was “being remodeled”, leaving us to wander to another floor in order to void our bladders.

The food was as good as it looked, not a good thing at all, seeing as how it looked to be predigested.

All in all, I kinda had a good time.

Happy holidaze.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

This week in my history.

Why my week sucked, and additional mayhem.

I have a lot of miles under my ass this week.

Sunday was the weekly trip to Pojoaque. I do this trip just about every Sunday in order to have my shit together for work on Monday.

Tuesday I drove back to Sanctuary in order to go to a concert that I have been looking forward to for quite some time. When I entered the door to Sanctuary I saw the Wife Unit on the phone and crying. Her father is deathly ill and deteriorating. I suggested we not go to the concert, but she insisted.

It was 50 miles each way, and the concert was a bit of a disappointment.

Got to bed at 11, woke at 4, left at 5 to drive to Santa Fe for work, left work at 1:30 to drive to Pojoaque in order to get things to drive to Albuquerque to get on a plane to fly to Denver for a meeting at Headquarters.

Thursday; Fly back to Albuquerque, drive to Pojoaque.

Friday morning I am waiting for over an hour for my employee to show up to let me into my office. I finally have to drive from Santa Fe to Pojoaque, (About 15 miles each way) to get the spare keys, then again for yet another meeting at noon in Pojoaque.

Then back to Sanctuary Friday night because Mrs. Troll went to see her father in Chicago.

To top the week off I was told that a very good friend has been in the hospital for almost two weeks. Shit. I can’t even go see him because he is in Amarillo and I have to stay here and dog sit.

When I arrived on the jobsite on Friday, things were not ready as I was told they were going to be and I made the site aware of my displeasure. This project is like a fat woman in a girdle and getting anything done is difficult. When someone does not keep on top of things it slows another trade down. I am not one for letting things slow me down.

I may not be popular, but I am determined.

Things are looking up now. I am warm, it is raining and not snowing, and the Mrs. got to see her father.

Happy Saturday, world; we are glad you made it!!