Saturday, May 19, 2007


Well, things did not work out as I had hoped with the tortilla and gravy bit.

My disappointments are great, but on the other hand, let’s just say that I have never felt more squeaky clean. (They certainly do like their gravy.)

I am a bit more rested now and am looking forward to a bit of driving today to see friends and deliver a ferret. (I am not entirely certain how this came about.)

Work has been somewhat intense. I am running, running, running, and satisfying the imagined needs of many others. So far I seem to be keeping the clients satisfied and the boss happy that he does not have to do it.

So in my own demented way, I am happy, just not terribly motivated to write. It is hard to think when you can just barely drag your ass to the computer. I was reading a blog last night and found that I did not have to energy to read a bit of intense dialog. It was too demanding.

I think that it might be time for a little time off soon to recharge the batteries and reconnect with my inner asshole.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I am so damn tired that I have decided to slather myself in gravy and roll myself into a tortilla before offering myself to the dogs.

Let your imagination have its way. I understand.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The end of the world

May 5 2000

"On May 5 of the year 2000, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be aligned with the earth for the first time in 6,000 years. On that day the ice buildup at the South Pole will upset the earth's axis, sending trillions of tons of ice in the water sweeping over the surface of our planet."
-- 5/5/2000: Ice -- the Ultimate Disaster by Richard W Noone

I read this on the internet and began wondering something; why in hell didn’t someone tell ME? Am I the only one that missed the end of the world?

It seems that something like that would be a pretty important event, something to see and tell your kids about. “I remember when the end of the world happened. It was really cool.”

At this rate I will miss the next end of the world when global warming covers almost everything in water.

I missed the landing of the aliens, the zapping off into space for the Hale-Bopp comet, and being abducted for tests performed on my asshole.

I seem to be missing al the fun. Perhaps I will make some of my own.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Mommy Blogs

I tend to read a lot of blogs that are about people raising their children. They seem to be filled with love and concern about the health and well-being of their offspring. These anxious parents agonize over decisions like if circumcision is appropriate or if they are feeding their kid too much sugar. I often wonder if the tone of these blogs will be the same when these kids become teens.

I don’t think most parents are emotionally equipped to deal with the teen years and ‘ungrateful bastard’ syndrome.

I think that I like the ‘Mommy Blogs’ because they remind me of a time of innocence and looking at the future with a sense of expectation and wonder. A feeling that I was doing the right thing and was going to have good kids that were compassionate and caring.

Instead they became passionate and care only about themselves.

I am not going to fall for the “Am I responsible for their behavior?” argument. As parents we all do the best we can with what we have. There is not instruction manual that pops out during childbirth. If there was, I missed it or it was all soggy and unreadable. (I am not going to give in to my nasty nature and go into placenta comments.)

I believe that teens by nature are ungrateful bastards. If not, they are still emotionally preadolescent and not really trying to grow up. Those are the kids that become forty-seven years old and still live with mommy in the basement, working part time at the convenience store and saving all their money for the next comic book convention.

They DO grow up, they DO become selfish, and they DO have to do this in order to become adults. Deal with it.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Fexophenedine has a new nickname; FrankenPuppy.

She had about 30 staples removed from her leg that held the incision that covered the 2 pins and 5 wires that holds her leg bones together.

Now she has stitches sticking out of her nose and chin from the removal of some tumors.

This damn dog gets better health care than I do, the bitch!

And she really does look like some kind of medical experiment.