Sunday, February 25, 2007

Time wasters

What the hell is up with the senate and congress spending vast amounts of time making and voting on resolutions that don’t mean a damn thing?

The weeks spent on a non binding resolution against GWB and the war seems like sheer nonsense to me. Get on with business, dammit! Quit grandstanding and DO something.

As I see it, a non binding resolution is a statement. If the democrat party wants to make a statement, then just use your publicity force to show off a cleverly worded open letter and get on with doing BUSINESS!

Now the state of Virginia is apologizing for slavery. Get a clue, People! It is already over! If I am not mistaken, slavery was abolished in 1863. That was 144 years ago! I am relatively certain that an apology is not going to change anything. The time for an apology is long over.

If we as a nation are going to waste a lot of time on shit like this, then I think we should instate retroactive birth control. I see a real need for retroactive birth control. We have assholes that are out there every day breeding a whole batch of new assholes that use up valuable resources and contribute nothing at all.

We need to deal with THAT instead of worrying over offending someone long dead.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

One small step

One of the teens that currently share starring roles in my life recently dodged a bullet.

Let it just be said that there has been much worrying and hand wringing in the Trollhouse for the past few days, but things are much better now.

Still, his life shall be much changed.

I have said before that you can lead a child to knowledge, but you can’t make him think. I hope that after what happened he thinks things over hard and well. It only takes one small step off a bridge to fall a great deal, and for some strange reason, it is always a long way to climb back from once that initial step is taken.

Gravity works.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Struggle to remember

I came home from work yesterday dog tired. (Why do we say that? My dogs are full of piss and vinegar.)

It was just one of those days where I struggled to get anything done. The whole day was just an uphill battle. Sigh

But I had collected two great quotes from out of the mouths of fellow construction workers. I was quite happy to salvage anything from this day.

But when I woke up this morning I had forgotten one of them. Damn!

So I can leave you with only one bit of wisdom from out of the mouths of wage slaves;

“Don’t be such a pussy. You were probably not the only kid in your class whose mom had a penis.”

I just remembered the other one!!!

“It takes over two hundred muscles in the face to make a frown. It only takes three muscles for me to bitchslap you.”

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Time and a half

I am getting to work a little overtime this week.

Yippie tie one on!!

I will post something more involved later today.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy V - Day

It snowed here again, making for a white knuckled drive to work because I was afraid to stop for fear of getting stuck.

Then after I got home I had the honor of shoveling snow from the driveway as a Valentine's gift.

My, aren't we having fun yet?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Seas in the desert

I was not joking when I said that we would experience a sea of mud.

I learned last night that our county has been declared a disaster area because of the mud. It seems that a lot of people are stranded in remote places and are complaining about the lack of support.

I think that they should have given a little bit more thought about those roads when they were busy moving to those remote areas.

The road that we live on is muddy, but not bad at all. You can drive here easily in a sedan or motor scooter.

Sometimes, planning is everything.

This is a test post.

If you are seeing this, then I have struck some kind of arrangement with my computer which enables me to post from my word processor.

It may not be a good arrangement, but I prefer to look at things for a while before throwing it up for the world to see and then in turn have it pointed out to me in public how stupid I can be.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Another day, another asshole.

A few minutes ago I heard funny noise. When I looked out the window I saw a man that I have never seen before looking at the back tire of his van that is stuck in my driveway.

Why he was in my driveway at all is a mystery.

Why he is stuck is obvious; he missed the driveway and got one tire in the ditch.

Another asshole to make my day complete.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I have discovered why I can't post in MS Word anymore.

It is 'not compatible' with the new Blogger.

This changes everything.


Yes, I am still alive and interested.

I am struggling with the Google thing each and every day.

I still have not figured out why in hell this thing will not accept my password. I am sure that it is some little thing that I have overlooked and a 12 year old kid would see it immediately and think I was stupid.

Mayhap I should just crawl in some digital hell hole and wallow in my own computer fucktarddidness.

Or not.

Life continues pretty much the same here in the Trollhouse. No teens have been murdered in the making of this blog. We have been snowed in on and off since the beginning of the year. When it is not snowing it is blowing the snow, blocking our road and making travel impossible.

And here we are, for the first time in ten years, without a 4-wheel drive vehicle.

But that which we can't cure, we must endure. This has been an unusual year and we will be just fine in the long run. They are predicting temps in the 50s this week, making for a vast sea of new mud and even more complaints from the residents of this neighborhood.

I do so love living in the country.