Staggering around this morning in a semi catatonic state I did something really stupid.
In my own imaginary defense, I want to tell you that I have two coffee makers, one at Sanctuary and one in the Doghouse. The one in Sanctuary is a really nice one and only takes one scoop of coffee to make a pot. The one in the doghouse is a cheap ‘Mr Caffene’ and takes over twice as much ground beans as the other to make the same coffee. Why is this? I don’t care, I just know that it is so.
I put too much coffee in the basket at Sanctuary. I now have a super caffeinated coffee like-substance that makes my hair stand on end when I sip.
I can deal with this several ways;
1-I can throw out the offensive sludge and waste precious grounds.
2-I can water down the fluid of evil and drink it.
3-I can dilute it with flavors to disguise the fact that it is supercharged.
4-I can suck it up and drink it just like it is.
Three of these options seem to have me getting all wound up like a cheap watch. That is the good news.
“I’ll take option number three, Alex, with a side order of chocolate.”
After that I will be off to wash the car and wax the sofa.